Today, was one of THOSE days. That cheerful morningwhen you walk out the door and life is ready to wipe that smile off your face. Which it does and does it with a little too much glee.That is life, right? Some days the snack machine is going to eatyour last bit of change and not give you the snack. Your car willnot start before you have to get on the road to an importantmeeting. S#!% happens and then it keeps happening. That is life.The deals fl ow slow, or the data comes slow, or the seller will notmake up their mind. There is always something it seems.
What can you do? There are a million distraction’s thatwill gladly sidetrack getting past these hurtles as we all know.
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These are not the answers we need. We need to push. My Mom saidpush was an acronym for “Praying until something happens”. So inthis outfi t we push and push hard. We keep on doing our best anddoing the right thing. We endure the hurtles and keep on makingour way to the next great mountain top. That is where the bestviews are right? We push and we endure what others hate, weendure what scares others. We know it isn’t all wine and roses. If itwere all easy and perfect, we would think it was a trap. The onlything that comes easy is something that would be barely worthhaving.
With that being said, we know the journey is sometimesup hill, treacherous and littered with loose rocks ready to comedown on us. Damn the torpedoes is how we roll. Fortune favors thebold and the bold take a beating some days. So we embrace theadversity and let it strengthen us. The Navy Seals have a saying“The only easy day was yesterday”. This saying is true based on thepremise that you made it through alive and are still on the gameboard of life playing when others bowed out or just took a L. Sotoday has been a hard one, and the last week wasn’t much better.Honestly, I have to say I am glad. Maybe it is the realist in my soulbut if I didn’t have a bad few days every now and then I wouldn’t
enjoy the good days or the little things that make life so awesome.I don’t mean just random “oh man that’s awesome” kind ofawesome. I mean the real awesome things in life.
Those spoils of the victorious! The perfect cup of coff ee,or a good conversation that makes a real connection. Closing a dealand making some cashfl ow for a few decades or so. Seeing yourkids succeed or seeing a friend do well. When a fi sh takes your baitand you set that hook, or when you get to go to your garden forthe fi rst harvest of the year. Damn those are the best tomatoes onearth. Do you remember holding that fi rst check with your nameon it that left you speechless? Those wins are the things dreamsare made of, and they are our wins. Why do we get to win so hard?Because we take the road less traveled and PUSH forward andendure the raging storm. We push past the fear and pain andonward to the other side to success. We know the discomfort is theprice to live a life full of moments that will take our breath awaywhen we remember them. I hope you have some of thesemoments in your life, they are my greatest treasures for sure.Money is great but living a life that leaves others in awe is the realreward. I hope you have gained this kind of treasure in your lifeand if you haven’t, I can only challenge you to get into the game
and take a beating or two. Crack the bones of life and suck thatmarrow out. Live right past fear and you will be surprised at thevalue of discomfort. Truly rich rewards are there for the taking andI hope you go after yours.
Stay safe, but not too safe.